

The charging robot for electric cars

Charging robot Charles is a complete solution for charging electric vehicles. Charles works with second life batteries that allow it to store several doses of energy for one, two or three vehicles at each intervention.

Charles recovers its energy from a charging base, installed onsite. It can connect to all the existing vehicles models in an automated way by plugging to a connection module: a sort of adaptator available directly on the parking lot for free, to be connected to one’s car before leaving.

The result: a single cable to connect to the electric grid, a whole parking floor compatible with charging and about twenty cars charged per day.


The charging robot for electric cars

Charging robot Charles is a complete solution for charging electric vehicles. Charles works with second life batteries that allow it to store several doses of energy for one, two or three vehicles at each intervention.

Charles recovers its energy from a charging base, installed onsite. It can connect to all the existing vehicles models in an automated way by plugging to a connection module: a box available directly on the parking lot for free, to be connected to one’s car before leaving.

The result: a single cable to connect to the electric grid, a whole parking floor compatible with charging and about twenty cars charged per day.




With Charles robot, all the parking spaces located on the charging area (a level for ex.) are electric and non-electric. Your parking lot is configured just as it was before, with the charging service on top of it.


Charles is designed to prioritize cars: users place their orders through the ME Charge © app and are offered alternatives in case the order can’t be fulfilled.


The robot can deliver fast charging (50kW) and normal charging, depending on the car model and its charging compatibility. Basically, it adapts.


Thanks to the connection module, the solution can charge electric cars, hybrid ones and even two-wheeled vehicles, no matter the vehicle brand or type.


Once the module dispensers are installed, the users can unlock and use the connection modules regardless of their vehicle type and their energy needs (if you allow it !).


Add some connection modules in just a few days and share your connection system between 2 or 3 robots. The ME Sight © software will help you upgrade your service.


The vehicle parks in the spot of its choice and uses the ME Charge app to call robot Charles.

The user picks up a connection module from the on-site distributor and connects it to their vehicle.

The user can go about his business while Charles takes care of the rest.

The charging robot Charles comes and charges the car before the user returns.


The charging robot Charles is delivered within a complete package. Once the connection work is done, our team installs, configures, maintains, and technically supervises your robot’s operations to ensure maximum safety as well as adequate service performance.



Charging base

Charles needs to recover its energy from the grid. The connection power can be adapted to your infrastructure. The base can be installed as close as possible to the electrical supplies.

Connection modules

The connection modules are devices that allow users to make their vehicle compatible with Charles, regardless of the parking space and vehicle model. The cable is integrated.

Module dispenser

The dispensers are used to store the connection modules. Several dispensers are installed on each site to limit the time spent getting to them. They are remotely visible and convenient to move.



ME Charge ©

ME Charge is the app that allows users to use the service. Available on Android and iOS, users can download it for free, create an account, place an order and pay easily.

ME Sight ©

This online service management software allows parking managers to visualize the robot’s activities, set up its functionalities as well as a billing system, and monitor performance analysis.


ME Analytics ©

After modeling your parking lot on ME Analytics, nourish your model with the solutions installed onsite to improve predictions and run new refined simulations.


LPA park

Lyon Parc Auto city center

bioMérieux park

Company – Marcy l’Etoile

EDF park

Les Renardières Lab


You want Charles to charge electric vehicles on your parking lot ?

Is it the proper solution for your parking lot ?

Your parking lot needs charging infrastructure. You want to move into the era of electric and connected parking and wonder how many cars Charles will charge each day?

Start by modeling and simulating the options you have with ME Analytics. If the mobile charging is not the ideal solution, let us know so that we can propose you our newly come … “Eiko”.
